February 27, 2013

Being not-drunk-enough on Bahasa Indonesia

Satu. Dua. Tiga. Empat. Lima.

There's an initial confusion whenever you start doing something you've never done before. That can trickle down into excitement or boredom. Right now, I'm bored. I'm learning to speak Bahasa Indonesia, but I'm not learning to say "more wine please, miss." I'm learning numbers.

I'm taking a break from college to do this, I thought. It was hard to get into adventure mode. Not even Indiana Jones could make repeatedly counting to ten look adventurous.

I took some playing cards out of a deck and was running through them, making small-digit numbers and saying them out loud. Does that work? I don't know yet. I'm doing a lot of things I don't have total faith in. I use Anki most days, I've been using the Pimsleur method on long drives, and I bought a book and a whiteboard for good measure. I've also referenced various apps, youtube videos, and websites, but my unfocused attitude hasn't allowed for much progress. I'm not in class, so I don't have the benefit of an instructor or the built-in routine and exposure i'd get in a class. I haven't found a rhythm for this stuff yet.

Hell, it's almost March and I'm going to fly to Indonesia this June. That makes learning to spit numbers a sort of short-term goal, doesn't it? Not looking dumb overseas? Maybe I can force myself sit at my desk every day, trilling my Rs louder than I have since drinking in Tijuana. 

Tiga puluh delapan. Enam ratus sepuluh. Coffee. I'll need more coffee.

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